Como Planetarium: Radio Waves and the Speed of Light
Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 10:00am - 11:00am
Como Planetarium
Who: While this activity will be geared towards the skills and interests of students 5th grade and up, younger children are welcome to join.
Younger siblings welcome
How much:
Cost for Adults: $5.00
Cost for Children age 2 and up: $5.00
Cost for Seats for children under 2: $0.00
Cost for Lapseats for children under 2: $0.00
Please register by: Monday, October 11, 2010 - 10:00am
This lesson deals with concepts that are included in the latest Minnesota Science Academic Standards. It starts with cell phones. Cell phones communicate with one another using radio waves. Radio waves, like light, travel at a definite speed. This speed influences how we see the universe. A look at the sky and a trip into space are included. You will actually get a chance to travel faster than the speed of light.
LATE ARRIVALS: Please plan to be early to avoid being late due to inadequate maps, confusing road signs, road construction, heavy traffic, parking difficulties, or uncooperative children. If you are unavoidably late, please enter the planetarium quietly and close the door behind you as quickly as possible as the light from the lobby disrupts the visibility of the presentation.
Payment information
Payment must be received by: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 - 9:00pm
Cancellation information
Cancellation deadline: Mon, Oct 11, 2010 - 9:00pm
No refunds will be issued after Oct 13. If you need to cancel before the day of the event, please contact Vanessa Stephan (
Additional information
Please arrive by:
Where to meet:
We will meet in the planetarium lobby
Parking information:
Free parking on site. There is limited parking available in the west parking lot immediately outside the Planetarium doors. Ample parking is available in the east parking lot on the other side of the school. The school requests that Planetarium visitors not take the (admittedly warmer and dryer) shortcut through the school building, but instead use the sidewalks outside to walk the 1/2 block from the east parking lot to the Planetarium doors
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