Math Live, online animated math tutorials from LearnAlberta.CA
This free site features 23 different interactive tutorials on a range of math concepts. The focus is on understanding concepts, not drill. The tutorials are "taught" by friendly animated characters-- it's not as fun as Cyberchase, but it's not too dry either.
The topics covered are: decimals, fractions, basic geometry, plotting points on an XY coordinate system, and probability. If there's a topic that your child isn't getting or is resistant to being taught, this could be a helpful site.
Scholastic Lesson Plans: a searchable, free collection of plans and projects
Looking for ideas to support a new interest, or a whole unit study? There's lots to choose from here! There are hands-on science projects, multimedia-supported lessons, book club ideas... Most are designed for classroom use, but all the lessons I've looked at are very well-suited to homeschooling.
There is the most available for elementary students, but pre-k through 12th grade are represented. Interesting to just browse if you're feeling uninspired.
"The Country Gentlemen Travel to Extraordinary Worlds" Interactive Art Theory lessons/actvities for Elementary
Produced by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, this vibrant interactive lesson introduces kids (or adults) to the artwork of Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollack, Sargent Johnson. The "country gentlemen" (a pair of dogs) briefly explain the artpiece, and then invite the user to make their own art, with an interactive tool that lets them play make their own, similar artwork. It kept my kids happily occupied for about 40 minutes.
Illuminations: Resources for teaching math (interesting! free! K-12)
Illuminations is a website maintianed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The website has interactive math games that allow kids to explore math concepts or review math facts, without being tedious drills. A few favorites in our house:
Robinsunne Multiplication Clock- a gorgeous alternative to drilling math facts
This is a BEAUTIFUL project idea to help kids visualize patterns in the multiplication table, and to let them review their multiplication facts without necessarily realizing that theiy're reviewing their math facts. A great alternative to the standard multiplication table for the artistic/ aesthetically driven child. Probably best for kids in upper elementary or older, because the project call for good fine motor skills.
If you have a big piece of paper in the house and colored pencils, you probably have everything you need.
Art-to-Go from the Baltimore Museum of Art (for all ages)
Every month in the school year the Baltimore Museum of Art picks a piece of art in their collection, writes up an art theory lesson for that piece, including an art project, and makes the lesson and a high quality photograph of the piece available for free download. This is the third school year they've done it, and the archives are freely available. The art they've chosen is stunning, and the projects tend to be managable at home, assuming you have or are willing to purchase materials when necessary. The collection includes art from a wide range of locations and time peri
Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading - Strategy guides for grades 2-5
Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading is an integrated reading and science curriculum for elementary school classrooms designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California. The complete curriculum is not available to homeschoolers, but "strategy guides" are available online for free. The strategy guides are lesson plans for teaching reading, text analysis, and research skills along with science via 63 different books, from relatively simple picture books to reference books.
BBC Primary School Languages: French, Spanish & Welsh
The BBC has fun resources to help elementary aged kids learn French, Spanish and Welsh. These are the first free resources I've found that go beyond the absolute basics (i.e. colors, numbers, and a couple phrases) while remaining fun and appropriate for younger kids.
Children's Poetry Archive
The children's section of the Poetry Archive section, this site features wonderful poems either written for children, or appealing to children. Most include a recording of the poem recited by the poet, and are serchable by keyword, author and form. Also includes biographies of the poets.
A fun site to browse with your kids, and a great way for non-readers to get to experience poetry.